Successful Entrepreneural Step for Entrepreneur

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Become an Entrepreneur - 5 Steps For Success 

It is said that an entrepreneur is a 'risk taking person'. I don't believe any thing is really risky once you apply common sense, gut, correct approach and eliminate fear. Fear, taking wrong action and procrastination will always work against you.
Here are 5 Steps for Success to become an Entrepreneur:
Step 1:
Make a Decision to Succeed Now. The road to becoming an entrepreneur is less travelled because it takes constant effort to work on yourself and business. Most people will not do what it takes to succeed because they lack the belief in themselves or their desire is not strong enough. Know this: The lifestyle that you will live is more than worth it since it will give you more control over you life and finances. It is definitely worth it.
Step 2:
Choose an Industry of Interest. Choose something that has always been very interesting to you. Many people choose careers for the money instead of joy. If you are in a career that you dislike or do not enjoy, then your time will go slowly and you will be discontented. Now on the other hand if you choose something that you believe is exciting, most likely you will succeed a lot quicker because you will not perceive the work as work. Most successful people have done well because they do not perceive what they do as work but play.
Step 3:
Treat it like a Job. This is quite ironic advice but it is the truth. Most advisors or entrepreneurial gurus usually advise people to treat their business as a business and not a hobby. The truth of the matter is that you will have to treat your income producing activities the same as you do your job. In the world of entrepreneurialism, you will not have a boss telling you what to do. You will be liable for your own results. Make a list of income producing activities each day that will move you towards your goals and make sure that you do them.
Step 4:
Be Consistent. You will not have to be the best in your arena in order to become successful. You will not have to be the smartest or even the most talented individual. What you will have to do is stick out the course that you have started (you have started your journey if you are reading this article right now). Regardless if you learn quickly or take a little longer than the guy beside you, if you stick to your course, you will succeed. This is one of the laws of the universe. The tortoise will always win the race.
Step 5:
Your Vision. Make a vision board out of cardboard, paper and pictures. Place pictures of your desires on the board and remember to be very clear. Make sure that you look at this board every single day and multiple times per day. The more you look at it, the more your subconscious mind will work towards your goals. Your vision is basically a picture of what your life will look like before it even happens. Your vision is your desire and your success all depends on how strong it is.


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